Acanthurus fowlerichirurgien de FolwerFowler's surgeonfishFowler's surgeonfish |
Acanthurus japonicusChirurgien à Joues BlanchesJapan surgeonfishJapan surgeonfish |
Acanthurus matachirurgien pâleElongate surgeonfishElongate surgeonfish |
Acanthurus olivaceuschirurgien epaule orangeOrange shoulder surgeonfishOrange shoulder surgeonfish |
Acanthurus pyroferuschirurgien mimetiqueChocolate surgeonfishChocolate surgeonfish |
Acreichthys radiatusPoisson-lime à rayonsRadial leatherjacket Radial leatherjacket |
Acreichthys tomentosus Poissons-lime des herbiersBristle-tailed filefishBristle-tailed filefish |
Amphiprion clarckiiPoisson-clown de ClarkYellowtail clownfishYellowtail clownfish |
Amphiprion frenatuspoisson-clown rougeTomato clownfishTomato clownfish |
Amphiprion ocellarisPoisson-clown ocelléClown anemonefishClown anemonefish |
Amphiprion perideraionPoisson-clown à collierPink anemonefishPink anemonefish |
Amphiprion polymnusPoisson-clown à selle blancheSaddleback clownfishSaddleback clownfish |
Amphiprion sandaracinosPoisson-clown à bande dorsaleYellow clownfishYellow clownfish |
Aetobatus narinariRaie aigle leopardSpotted eagle raySpotted eagle ray |
Aethaloperca rogaamérou de RedmouthRedmouth grouperRedmouth grouper |
Aphareus furcaSmall toothed jobfishSmall toothed jobfish Small toothed jobfish |
Alopias spRequin renardThresher sharkFuchshai |
Amblypomacentrus brevicepsDemoiselle à dos noirBlack-banded demoiselleBlack-banded demoiselle |
Antennarius commersonAntennaire geantGiant frogfishGiant frogfish |
Antennarius maculatus Warty Antennaire clownclown frogfishclown frogfish |
Antennarius pictusAntennaire peintpainted frogfishpainted frogfish |
Anyperodon leucogrammicusMérou élégantSlender grouperSlender grouper |
Aphareus furcaSmall toothed jobfishSmall toothed jobfish Small toothed jobfish |
Apolemichthys trimaculatusHolacanthe triple tacheThreespot angelfishGele driepunt keizersvis |
Ariosoma scheelei congre de Scheeletropical congertropical conger |
Arothron caeruleopunctatusP ballon a pts bleusBlue-spotted pufferfish Gestippelde kogelvis |
Arothron manilensisPoisson-ballon pyjamaNarrow-lined pufferNarrow-lined puffer |
Arothron hispidusPoisson-ballon à taches blanchesWhite-spotted pufferWhite-spotted puffer |
Arothron stellatusPoisson-ballon géantgiant pufferfishReuzen kogelvis |
Arothron nigropunctatusPoisson-ballon à taches noires Blackspotted pufferfishZwartgevlekte kogelvis |
Diodon holocanthusPetit porc-épicBalloonfish, blotched porcupinefishspiny puffer, longsping porcupinefish |
Balistoides conspicillumBaliste clownClown triggerfishClown triggerfish |
Balistoides viridescensBaliste titantitan triggerfishtitan triggerfish |
Melichthys viduaBaliste veuf Pinktail triggerfishPinktail triggerfish |
Bodianus dianaLabre de Dianediana's hogfishdiana's hogfish |
Bolbometopon muricatumPoisson-perroquet à bossehumphead parrotfishhumphead parrotfish |
Bryaninops amplus Gobie nain des gorgoneswhite-line seawhip gobywhite-line seawhip goby |
Caesio caerulaureaFusilier azurBlue and gold fusilierBlue and gold fusilier |
Pterocaesio tile Dark-banded fusilierDark-banded fusilierDark-banded fusilier |
Caesio teres Fusilier à dos jaune et bleuBlue and gold fusilierBlue and gold fusilier |
Callionymus neptunius dragonet longue queueLong-tail dragonetLong-tail dragonet |
Canthidermis sufflamenBaliste océaniqueOcean triggerfishOcean triggerfish |
Carangoides plagiotaeniaCarangue à joue barréeBarcheek trevallyBarcheek trevally |
Carangoides ignobilisCarangue géanteGiant trevallyGiant trevally |
Caranx melampygus Carangue bleueBluefin trevallyBluefin trevally |
Caranx sexfasciatuscarangue gros yeuxBigeye trevallyBigeye trevally |
Carcharhinus albimarginatusRequin pt blancheSilvertip sharkZilverpunthaai |
Centriscus scutatusPoisson-rasoir, centrisque cuirasséGrooved razor fish, rigid shrimpfishGrooved razor fish, rigid shrimpfish |
Centropyge bicolorPoisson-ange nain loriotBicolor angelfishBlaugelber Zwergkaiserfisch ( |
Centropyge vrolikiiP ange nain écaille perleePearlscale angelfishPerlschuppen-Zwergkaiserfisch |
Cephalopholis argusMérou célestePeacock HindPeacock Hind |
Cephalopholis sexmaculataMérou sanguinSix-blotch HindSix-blotch Hind |
Cephalopholis urodetaVieille aile noireDarkfin hindDarkfin hind |
Cetoscarus ocellatusPoisson-perroquet bicoloreBicolour ParrotfishBicolour Parrotfish |
Cheilinus undulatusNapoleonHumphead wrasseNapo-Panzerwels |
Cheilodipterus quinquelineatusApogon à cinq lignesFive-lined cardinalfishFive-lined cardinalfish |
Cheilodipterus nigrotaeniatus Apogon lignes noiresBlackstriped CardinalfishBlackstriped Cardinalfish |
Cheilio inermisLabre-cigarecigare wrassecigare wrasse |
Chaetodon adiergastosPoisson-papillon des Philippines Philippine butterflyfishPhilippine butterflyfish |
Chaetodon aurigaPoisson-papillon cocherThreadfin butterflyfishThreadfin butterflyfish |
Chaetodon baronessaPoisson-papillon baron<Baronessa ButterflyfishBaronessa Butterflyfish |
Chaetodon ephippiumPoisson-papillon à selle noireSaddle butterflyfishSaddle butterflyfish |
Chaetodon lineolatusPoisson-papillon à lignes Lined ButterflyfishLined Butterflyfish |
Chaetodon lunulatusPoisson-papillon côtelé Oval butterflyfishOval butterflyfish |
Chaetodon melannotusPoisson-papillon à dos noir blackback butterflyfishblackback butterflyfish |
Chaetodon ocellicaudusPoisson-papillon à point caudal Spot-tail ButterflyfishSpot-tail Butterflyfish |
Chaetodon octofasciatusPoisson-papillon à huit bandes Eightband butterflyfish Eightband butterflyfish |
Chaetodon ornatissimusPoisson-papillon ornéOrnate butterflyfishOrnate butterflyfish |
Chaetodon pelewensisPoisson-papillon de PalauSunset butterflyfishSunset butterflyfish |
Chaetodon speculumPoisson-papillon à miroirmirror butterflyfishmirror butterflyfish |
Chaetodon ulietensisPoisson-papillon d'Ulietéa à double selle<Double Saddle ButterflyfishDouble Saddle Butterflyfish |
Chelmon rostratusPoisson-papillon à bandes cuivréesCopperband butterflyfishCopperband butterflyfish |
Coradion chrysozonusPoisson-papillon coradion à bande orangeGoldengirdled coralfishGoldengirdled coralfish |
Chlorurus bowersiP Perroquet de bowerBower's parrotfishBower's parrotfish |
Cirrhitichthys falcoP faucon tacheteDwarf hawkfishDwarf hawkfish |
Cirrhitichthys aprinusP faucon à taches rougesSpotted hawkfishSpotted hawkfish |
Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura Labre nain à flanc bleuBlueside wrasseBlueside wrasse |
Dactylopus kuiteri Dragonnet de KuiterOrange-black dragonetOrange-black dragonet |
Dactylopus dactylopusDragonnet dactylé Fingered dragonet Fingered dragonet |
Dascyllus aruanusDemoiselle à trois bandes noiresWhitetail dascyllusWhitetail dascyllus |
Dascyllus trimaculatus Demoiselle à trois pointsThreespot dascyllusWThreespot dascyllus |
Dendrochirus zebraptérois zèbreZebra turkeyfishZebra turkeyfish |
Echidna nebulosaMurène à fleursSnowflake moraySternflecken-Muräne |
Epinephelus areolatusMérou aréoléareolate grouperareolate grouper |
Epinephelus fasciatusMérou oriflammeBlacktip grouperBlacktip grouper |
Epinephelus fuscoguttatusMérou marbréBrown-marbled GrouperBrown-marbled Grouper |
Elops saurusLadyfishTenpounderLadyfish |
Eurypegasus draconispoisson pegaseShort dragonfishShort seamoth |
Eviota pellucida Gobie de RainfordNeon pygmy gobyNeon pygmy goby |
Forcipiger flavissimusPoisson-pincette jauneLongnose butterfly fishLongnose butterfly fish |
Gomphosus caeruleuslabre oiseaubirdmouth wrassebirdmouth wrasse |
Gnathodentex aureolineatus Perche d'orgoldspot seabreamgoldspot seabream |
Gymnosarda unicolorThon dents de chienDogtooth tunaDogtooth tuna |
Gymnothorax thyrsoideusMurène à tête griseGreyface morayWitoog murene |
Gymnothorax javanicusMurène de javaGiant morayReuzen murene |
Helcogramma striatatriptérygion striétropical striped tripelfintropical striped tripelfin |
Hemitaurichthys polylepisPoisson-papillon pyramide jaunePyramid butterflyfishPyramid butterflyfish |
Heniochus chrysostomusP cocher à trois bandeshorned bannerfish Drieband wimpelvis |
Heniochus acuminatusP cocher communbannerfish Gewone wimpelvis |
Heniochus singulariusPoisson-bannière solitaireSingular bannerfish Schaduw wimpelvis |
Heteroconger hassianguille-jardinière mouchetéeSpotted garden-eelSpotted garden-eel |
Hippocampus barbouri ?Hippocampe de barbour ?Barbour's seahorse ?Barbour's seahorse ? |
Hippocampus comesHippocampe a queue tigreeTiger tail seahorseTiger tail seahorse |
Hippocampus histrixHippocampe hérisséThorny seahorseThorny seahorse |
Hippocampus histrixHippocampe hérisséThorny seahorseThorny seahorse |
Hippocampus trimaculatus'hippocampe à couronne basse ou l'hippocampe à trois pointsLongnose seahorseLongnose seahorse |
Hippocampus alatus 'hippocampe ailéWinged seahorseWinged seahorse |
Hippocampus denise hippocampe pygmée de Denisedenise pygmy seahorsewdenise pygmy seahorse |
Lactoria fornasiniPoisson-vache à dos épineuxThornback cowfishThornback cowfish |
Lactoria cornutaPoisson-vache cornuLonghorn cowfishLonghorn cowfish |
Lethrinus olivaceusEmpereur longue faceLongface emperorLongface emperor |
Lutjanus decussatusvivaneau à damierCheckered snapperCheckered snapper |
Lutjanus erythropterusVivaneau cramoisiCrimson snapperCrimson snapper |
Lutjanus fulvusVivaneau queue noire blacktail snapper blacktail snapper |
Lutjanus kasmira vivaneau à raies bleues bluestripe snapperbluestripe snapper |
Lutjanus gibbusvivaneau bossuHumpback red snapperHumpback red snapper |
Lutjanus monostigmavivaneau eglefin One-spot snapperOne-spot snapper |
Macolor macularisVivaneau de minuitMidnight snapperMidnight snapper |
Malacanthus brevirostrisblanquillo drapeauFlagtail BlanquilloFlagtail Blanquillo |
Malacanthus latovittatusblanquillo bleublue Blanquilloblue Blanquillo |
Mobula birostrisraie mantaGiant mantaGiant manta |
Melichthys viduabaliste veuve à queue rosePinktail triggerfishPinktail triggerfish |
Monotaxis grandoculisEmpereur gros yeuxBigeye barenoseBigeye barenose |
Myripristis murdjanPoisson-soldat à œillèresPinecone soldierfishPinecone soldierfish |
Myripristis violaceaPoisson-soldat violaceLattice soldierfishLattice soldierfish |
Naso thynnoidesNason a une epineOneknife unicornfishOneknife unicornfish |
Naso hexacanthusNason grisSleek unicornfishSleek unicornfish |
Naso elegansNason à éperons orange de l'océan IndienElegant unicornfishElegant unicornfish |
Naso unicornisnason à éperons bleusBluespine unicornfishBluespine unicornfish |
Naso brevirostrisNason lancierSpotted unicornfishSpotted unicornfish |
Naso vlamingiiNason zebreBignose unicornfishBignose unicornfish |
Nebrius ferrugineusRequin nourrice fauveTawny nurse sharGeelbruine verpleegsterhaai |
Nemateleotris magnificagobie de feuredfire fishredfire fish |
Novaculichthys taeniouruslabre-rasoir masquéDragon Wrasse Dragon Wrasse |
Odonus nigerBaliste bleuRed-toothed triggerfishRed-toothed triggerfish |
Ostorhinchus aureusApogon doréRing-tailed cardinalfishRing-tailed cardinalfish |
Ostracion solorensispoisson-coffre réticuléReticulate boxfishReticulate boxfish |
Ostracion cubicuspoisson-coffre jauneYellow boxfishGeelbruine koffervis |
Canthigaster valentiniCanthigaster à selle noireSaddled pufferblack saddled toby |
Ophichthus altipennisanguille serpent à nageoires noiresHighfin snake eelHighfin snake eel |
Ophichthus bonapartianguille serpent NapoléonNapoleon snake eelNapoleon snake eel |
Oxycheilinus digrammavieille à lignes violettesCheeklined wrasseCheeklined wrasse |
Paracirrhites arcatusP faucon striéarc-eye hawkfisharc-eye hawkfish |
Paracirrhites forsteriP faucon à taches de rousseurblackside hawkfishblackside hawkfish |
Parapercis clathrataperche de sable à treillisLatticed sandperchLatticed sandperch |
Parapercis hexophthalmaPerche de sable à tache noirespeckeled sandperchspeckeled sandperch |
Parapercis cylindricaPerche de sable cylindriqueCylindrical sandperchCylindrical sandperch |
Parupeneus barberinoides Barbet moitié-moitiéBicolor goatfishBicolor goatfish |
Parupeneus crassilabrisBarbet à 2 bandesDoublebar GoatfishDoublebar Goatfish |
Parupeneus cyclostomusRouget jaunegoldsaddle goatfishgoldsaddle goatfish |
Pempheris adustaP hachette balayeur sombredusky sweeperdusky sweeper |
Petroscirtes brevicepsblennie rayée mimiqueShorthead fangblennyShorthead fangblenny |
Aspidontus taeniatusFaux labre nettoyeurFalse cleanerfishFalse cleanerfish |
Pholidichthys leucotaeniaGobie bagnard ingénieurEngineer GobyEngineer Goby |
Platax boersiiPlatax de boersGolden spadefishGolden spadefish |
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoidesGaterin arlequinHarlequin sweetlipsHarlequin sweetlips |
Plectorhinchus lineatusgaterin à bandes jaunesYellowbanded sweetlipsYellowbanded sweetlips |
Plectroglyphidodon dickii Demoiselle à barre noireBlackbar devilBlackbar devil |
Plectropomus laevisMérou à scelle noireBlacksaddled coralgrouperBlacksaddled coralgrouper |
Pleurosicya mossambicaGobie à dentsToothy gobyToothy goby |
Plotosus lineatusPoisson-chat de mer rayéStriped eel catfish Getreepte koraalmeerval |
Pomacanthus imperatorP ange empereur imperator angelfishKeizersvis |
Pomacanthus sexstriatusP ange a 6 bandes six band angelfishSechsbinden-Kaiserfisch |
Pomacanthus xanthometoponP ange a tete bleueBlueface angelfishGeelmasker keizersvis |
Pomacentrus coelestis Demoiselle NéonNeon damselfishNeon damselfish |
Pomacentrus proteus Demoiselle colomboColombo damselColombo damsel |
Pseudanthias huchtii barbier a joue rougered cheek fairy basslet red cheek fairy basslet |
Pseudanthias tukabarbier pourpreYellowstriped fairy basslet Yellowstriped fairy basslet |
Pseudanthias disparBarbier pêchePeach fairy bassletPeach fairy basslet |
Pterocaesio tileFusilier tricoloreDark-banded fusilier Dark-banded fusilier |
Pygoplites diacanthusPoisson-ange ducRoyal angelfishPauwoogkeizersvis |
Rogadius welanderipoisson crocodile de welanderWelander's flatheadWelander's flathead |
Rhincodon typusRequin baleinewhale sharkwhale shark |
Sargocentron caudimaculatumpoisson-écureuil silverspotsilverspot squirrelfishsilverspot squirrelfish |
Scarus viridifucatusPoisson-perroquet tête rondeRoundhead ParrotfishRoundhead Parrotfish |
Scarus ghobbanPoisson-perroquet à bord bleuBlue-barred parrotfishBlue-barred parrotfish |
Scolopsis bilineataScolopsis à deux lignesTwo-lined monocle breamYTwo-lined monocle bream |
Scorpaenopsis macrochirPoisson-scorpion flammeFlasher scorpionfishFlasher scorpionfish |
Scorpaenopsis spPoisson-scorpion noirblack scorpionfishblack scorpionfish |
Siganus vulpinusP lapin sigan barréscribbled rabbitfishscribbled rabbitfish |
Siganus doliatusP lapin Tête de Renardrabbitfish Foxfacerabbitfish Foxface |
Solenostomus paradoxuspoisson-fantôme arlequinOrnate ghostpipefishOrnate ghostpipefish |
Soleichthys heterorhinosSole d'EsopeBanded soleBanded sole |
Liachirus melanospilosSole carpetteCarpet SoleCarpet Sole |
Bothus pantherinusFlet léopardLeopard FlounderLeopard Flounder |
Brachirus aspilossole a bouche marginéeFrill mouth soleFrill mouth sole |
Sphyraena jellobarracuda Pickhandle jelloPickhandle barracudaPickhandle barracuda |
Sphyraena qenieBarracuda queue noireBlackfin barracudaBlackfin barracuda |
Sufflamen bursaBaliste boomerangBoomerang triggerfishBoomerang triggerfish |
Symphorichthys spilurusVivaneau voilierSailfin snapperSailfin snapper |
Synchiropus splendiduspoisson-mandarin MandarinfishMandarinfish |
Taeniura meyeniraie pastenague marbreeBlotched fantail rayBlotched fantail ray |
Thalassoma lunaregirelle paonMoon WrasseMoon Wrasse |
Triaenodon obesusrequin corailWhitetip reef sharkWhitetip reef shark |
Trichonotus elegans le plongeur de sable à longues rayonsLong-rayed sand-diverLong-rayed sand-diver |
Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus syngnathe à double extrémitéShort-tailed pipefishShort-tailed pipefish |
Uraspis secundacarangue cottonCottonmouth jackCottonmouth jack |
Variola loutimérou croissant jauneYellow-edged lyretailYellow-edged lyretail |
Xanthichthys auromarginatusBaliste à liseré d'orGilded triggerfishGilded triggerfish |
Zanclus cornutusidole MaureMoorish idole Maskerrwimpelvis |
Zebrasoma desjardiniichirurgien voilierIndian sail-fin surgeonfishIndian sail-fin surgeonfish |
Laticauda colubrinatricot rayé commun sea kraitsea snake |
Chelonia mydasTortue vertegreen turtleGreen sea turtle |
Eretmochelys imbricataTortue imbriquéeHawksbill sea turtleHawksbill sea turtle |
crabe yeux rougescrabe yeux rougescrabe yeux rougescrabe yeux rouges |
crevettecrevettecrevettecrevette |