Photos et vidéos des Philippines 2019 de MV MC

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Photos et vidéos des Philippines 2019

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Liste des vidéos ou photos de poissons des Philippines

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Acanthurus fowleri
chirurgien de Folwer
Fowler's surgeonfish
Fowler's surgeonfish
Acanthurus japonicus
Chirurgien à Joues Blanches
Japan surgeonfish
Japan surgeonfish
Acanthurus mata
chirurgien pâle
Elongate surgeonfish
Elongate surgeonfish
Acanthurus olivaceus
chirurgien epaule orange
Orange shoulder surgeonfish
Orange shoulder surgeonfish
Acanthurus pyroferus
chirurgien mimetique
Chocolate surgeonfish
Chocolate surgeonfish
Acreichthys radiatus
Poisson-lime à rayons
Radial leatherjacket
Radial leatherjacket
Acreichthys tomentosus
Poissons-lime des herbiers
Bristle-tailed filefish
Bristle-tailed filefish
Amphiprion clarckii
Poisson-clown de Clark
Yellowtail clownfish
Yellowtail clownfish
Amphiprion frenatus
poisson-clown rouge
Tomato clownfish
Tomato clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris
Poisson-clown ocellé
Clown anemonefish
Clown anemonefish
Amphiprion perideraion
Poisson-clown à collier
Pink anemonefish
Pink anemonefish
Amphiprion polymnus
Poisson-clown à selle blanche
Saddleback clownfish
Saddleback clownfish
Amphiprion sandaracinos
Poisson-clown à bande dorsale
Yellow clownfish
Yellow clownfish
Aetobatus narinari
Raie aigle leopard
Spotted eagle ray
Spotted eagle ray
Aethaloperca rogaa
mérou de Redmouth
Redmouth grouper
Redmouth grouper
Aphareus furca
Small toothed jobfish
Small toothed jobfish
Small toothed jobfish
Alopias sp
Requin renard
Thresher shark
Amblypomacentrus breviceps
Demoiselle à dos noir
Black-banded demoiselle
Black-banded demoiselle
Antennarius commerson
Antennaire geant
Giant frogfish
Giant frogfish
Antennarius maculatus Warty
Antennaire clown
clown frogfish
clown frogfish
Antennarius pictus
Antennaire peint
painted frogfish
painted frogfish
Anyperodon leucogrammicus
Mérou élégant
Slender grouper
Slender grouper
Aphareus furca
Small toothed jobfish
Small toothed jobfish
Small toothed jobfish
Apolemichthys trimaculatus
Holacanthe triple tache
Threespot angelfish
Gele driepunt keizersvis
Ariosoma scheelei
congre de Scheele
tropical conger
tropical conger
Arothron caeruleopunctatus
P ballon a pts bleus
Blue-spotted pufferfish
Gestippelde kogelvis
Arothron manilensis
Poisson-ballon pyjama
Narrow-lined puffer
Narrow-lined puffer
Arothron hispidus
Poisson-ballon à taches blanches
White-spotted puffer
White-spotted puffer
Arothron stellatus
Poisson-ballon géant
giant pufferfish
Reuzen kogelvis
Arothron nigropunctatus
Poisson-ballon à taches noires
Blackspotted pufferfish
Zwartgevlekte kogelvis
Diodon holocanthus
Petit porc-épic
Balloonfish, blotched porcupinefish
spiny puffer, longsping porcupinefish
Balistoides conspicillum
Baliste clown
Clown triggerfish
Clown triggerfish
Balistoides viridescens
Baliste titan
titan triggerfish
titan triggerfish
Melichthys vidua
Baliste veuf
Pinktail triggerfish
Pinktail triggerfish
Bodianus diana
Labre de Diane
diana's hogfish
diana's hogfish
Bolbometopon muricatum
Poisson-perroquet à bosse
humphead parrotfish
humphead parrotfish
Bryaninops amplus
Gobie nain des gorgones
white-line seawhip goby
white-line seawhip goby
Caesio caerulaurea
Fusilier azur
Blue and gold fusilier
Blue and gold fusilier
Pterocaesio tile
Dark-banded fusilier
Dark-banded fusilier
Dark-banded fusilier
Caesio teres
Fusilier à dos jaune et bleu
Blue and gold fusilier
Blue and gold fusilier
Callionymus neptunius
dragonet longue queue
Long-tail dragonet
Long-tail dragonet
Canthidermis sufflamen
Baliste océanique
Ocean triggerfish
Ocean triggerfish
Carangoides plagiotaenia
Carangue à joue barrée
Barcheek trevally
Barcheek trevally
Carangoides ignobilis
Carangue géante
Giant trevally
Giant trevally
Caranx melampygus
Carangue bleue
Bluefin trevally
Bluefin trevally
Caranx sexfasciatus
carangue gros yeux
Bigeye trevally
Bigeye trevally
Carcharhinus albimarginatus
Requin pt blanche
Silvertip shark
Centriscus scutatus
Poisson-rasoir, centrisque cuirassé
Grooved razor fish, rigid shrimpfish
Grooved razor fish, rigid shrimpfish
Centropyge bicolor
Poisson-ange nain loriot
Bicolor angelfish
Blaugelber Zwergkaiserfisch (
Centropyge vrolikii
P ange nain écaille perlee
Pearlscale angelfish
Cephalopholis argus
Mérou céleste
Peacock Hind
Peacock Hind
Cephalopholis sexmaculata
Mérou sanguin
Six-blotch Hind
Six-blotch Hind
Cephalopholis urodeta
Vieille aile noire
Darkfin hind
Darkfin hind
Cetoscarus ocellatus
Poisson-perroquet bicolore
Bicolour Parrotfish
Bicolour Parrotfish
Cheilinus undulatus
Humphead wrasse
Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus
Apogon à cinq lignes
Five-lined cardinalfish
Five-lined cardinalfish
Cheilodipterus nigrotaeniatus
Apogon lignes noires
Blackstriped Cardinalfish
Blackstriped Cardinalfish
Cheilio inermis
cigare wrasse
cigare wrasse
Chaetodon adiergastos
Poisson-papillon des Philippines
Philippine butterflyfish
Philippine butterflyfish
Chaetodon auriga
Poisson-papillon cocher
Threadfin butterflyfish
Threadfin butterflyfish
Chaetodon baronessa
Poisson-papillon baron<
Baronessa Butterflyfish
Baronessa Butterflyfish
Chaetodon ephippium
Poisson-papillon à selle noire
Saddle butterflyfish
Saddle butterflyfish
Chaetodon lineolatus
Poisson-papillon à lignes
Lined Butterflyfish
Lined Butterflyfish
Chaetodon lunulatus
Poisson-papillon côtelé
Oval butterflyfish
Oval butterflyfish
Chaetodon melannotus
Poisson-papillon à dos noir
blackback butterflyfish
blackback butterflyfish
Chaetodon ocellicaudus
Poisson-papillon à point caudal
Spot-tail Butterflyfish
Spot-tail Butterflyfish
Chaetodon octofasciatus
Poisson-papillon à huit bandes
Eightband butterflyfish
Eightband butterflyfish
Chaetodon ornatissimus
Poisson-papillon orné
Ornate butterflyfish
Ornate butterflyfish
Chaetodon pelewensis
Poisson-papillon de Palau
Sunset butterflyfish
Sunset butterflyfish
Chaetodon speculum
Poisson-papillon à miroir
mirror butterflyfish
mirror butterflyfish
Chaetodon ulietensis
Poisson-papillon d'Ulietéa à double selle<
Double Saddle Butterflyfish
Double Saddle Butterflyfish
Chelmon rostratus
Poisson-papillon à bandes cuivrées
Copperband butterflyfish
Copperband butterflyfish
Coradion chrysozonus
Poisson-papillon coradion à bande orange
Goldengirdled coralfish
Goldengirdled coralfish
Chlorurus bowersi
P Perroquet de bower
Bower's parrotfish
Bower's parrotfish
Cirrhitichthys falco
P faucon tachete
Dwarf hawkfish
Dwarf hawkfish
Cirrhitichthys aprinus
P faucon à taches rouges
Spotted hawkfish
Spotted hawkfish
Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura
Labre nain à flanc bleu
Blueside wrasse
Blueside wrasse
Dactylopus kuiteri
Dragonnet de Kuiter
Orange-black dragonet
Orange-black dragonet
Dactylopus dactylopus
Dragonnet dactylé
Fingered dragonet
Fingered dragonet
Dascyllus aruanus
Demoiselle à trois bandes noires
Whitetail dascyllus
Whitetail dascyllus
Dascyllus trimaculatus
Demoiselle à trois points
Threespot dascyllus
WThreespot dascyllus
Dendrochirus zebra
ptérois zèbre
Zebra turkeyfish
Zebra turkeyfish
Echidna nebulosa
Murène à fleurs
Snowflake moray
Epinephelus areolatus
Mérou aréolé
areolate grouper
areolate grouper
Epinephelus fasciatus
Mérou oriflamme
Blacktip grouper
Blacktip grouper
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
Mérou marbré
Brown-marbled Grouper
Brown-marbled Grouper
Elops saurus
Eurypegasus draconis
poisson pegase
Short dragonfish
Short seamoth
Eviota pellucida
Gobie de Rainford
Neon pygmy goby
Neon pygmy goby
Forcipiger flavissimus
Poisson-pincette jaune
Longnose butterfly fish
Longnose butterfly fish
Gomphosus caeruleus
labre oiseau
birdmouth wrasse
birdmouth wrasse
Gnathodentex aureolineatus
Perche d'or
goldspot seabream
goldspot seabream
Gymnosarda unicolor
Thon dents de chien
Dogtooth tuna
Dogtooth tuna
Gymnothorax thyrsoideus
Murène à tête grise
Greyface moray
Witoog murene
Gymnothorax javanicus
Murène de java
Giant moray
Reuzen murene
Helcogramma striata
triptérygion strié
tropical striped tripelfin
tropical striped tripelfin
Hemitaurichthys polylepis
Poisson-papillon pyramide jaune
Pyramid butterflyfish
Pyramid butterflyfish
Heniochus chrysostomus
P cocher à trois bandes
horned bannerfish
Drieband wimpelvis
Heniochus acuminatus
P cocher commun
Gewone wimpelvis
Heniochus singularius
Poisson-bannière solitaire
Singular bannerfish
Schaduw wimpelvis
Heteroconger hassi
anguille-jardinière mouchetée
Spotted garden-eel
Spotted garden-eel
Hippocampus barbouri ?
Hippocampe de barbour ?
Barbour's seahorse ?
Barbour's seahorse ?
Hippocampus comes
Hippocampe a queue tigree
Tiger tail seahorse
Tiger tail seahorse
Hippocampus histrix
Hippocampe hérissé
Thorny seahorse
Thorny seahorse
Hippocampus histrix
Hippocampe hérissé
Thorny seahorse
Thorny seahorse
Hippocampus trimaculatus
'hippocampe à couronne basse ou
l'hippocampe à trois points
Longnose seahorse
Longnose seahorse
Hippocampus alatus
'hippocampe ailé
Winged seahorse
Winged seahorse
Hippocampus denise
hippocampe pygmée de Denise
denise pygmy seahorse
wdenise pygmy seahorse
Lactoria fornasini
Poisson-vache à dos épineux
Thornback cowfish
Thornback cowfish
Lactoria cornuta
Poisson-vache cornu
Longhorn cowfish
Longhorn cowfish
Lethrinus olivaceus
Empereur longue face
Longface emperor
Longface emperor
Lutjanus decussatus
vivaneau à damier
Checkered snapper
Checkered snapper
Lutjanus erythropterus
Vivaneau cramoisi
Crimson snapper
Crimson snapper
Lutjanus fulvus
Vivaneau queue noire
blacktail snapper
blacktail snapper
Lutjanus kasmira
vivaneau à raies bleues
bluestripe snapper
bluestripe snapper
Lutjanus gibbus
vivaneau bossu
Humpback red snapper
Humpback red snapper
Lutjanus monostigma
vivaneau eglefin
One-spot snapper
One-spot snapper
Macolor macularis
Vivaneau de minuit
Midnight snapper
Midnight snapper
Malacanthus brevirostris
blanquillo drapeau
Flagtail Blanquillo
Flagtail Blanquillo
Malacanthus latovittatus
blanquillo bleu
blue Blanquillo
blue Blanquillo
Mobula birostris
raie manta
Giant manta
Giant manta
Melichthys vidua
baliste veuve à queue rose
Pinktail triggerfish
Pinktail triggerfish
Monotaxis grandoculis
Empereur gros yeux
Bigeye barenose
Bigeye barenose
Myripristis murdjan
Poisson-soldat à œillères
Pinecone soldierfish
Pinecone soldierfish
Myripristis violacea
Poisson-soldat violace
Lattice soldierfish
Lattice soldierfish
Naso thynnoides
Nason a une epine
Oneknife unicornfish
Oneknife unicornfish
Naso hexacanthus
Nason gris
Sleek unicornfish
Sleek unicornfish
Naso elegans
Nason à éperons orange de l'océan Indien
Elegant unicornfish
Elegant unicornfish
Naso unicornis
nason à éperons bleus
Bluespine unicornfish
Bluespine unicornfish
Naso brevirostris
Nason lancier
Spotted unicornfish
Spotted unicornfish
Naso vlamingii
Nason zebre
Bignose unicornfish
Bignose unicornfish
Nebrius ferrugineus
Requin nourrice fauve
Tawny nurse shar
Geelbruine verpleegsterhaai
Nemateleotris magnifica
gobie de feu
redfire fish
redfire fish
Novaculichthys taeniourus
labre-rasoir masqué
Dragon Wrasse
Dragon Wrasse
Odonus niger
Baliste bleu
Red-toothed triggerfish
Red-toothed triggerfish
Ostorhinchus aureus
Apogon doré
Ring-tailed cardinalfish
Ring-tailed cardinalfish
Ostracion solorensis
poisson-coffre réticulé
Reticulate boxfish
Reticulate boxfish
Ostracion cubicus
poisson-coffre jaune
Yellow boxfish
Geelbruine koffervis
Canthigaster valentini
Canthigaster à selle noire
Saddled puffer
black saddled toby
Ophichthus altipennis
anguille serpent à nageoires noires
Highfin snake eel
Highfin snake eel
Ophichthus bonaparti
anguille serpent Napoléon
Napoleon snake eel
Napoleon snake eel
Oxycheilinus digramma
vieille à lignes violettes
Cheeklined wrasse
Cheeklined wrasse
Paracirrhites arcatus
P faucon strié
arc-eye hawkfish
arc-eye hawkfish
Paracirrhites forsteri
P faucon à taches de rousseur
blackside hawkfish
blackside hawkfish
Parapercis clathrata
perche de sable à treillis
Latticed sandperch
Latticed sandperch
Parapercis hexophthalma
Perche de sable à tache noire
speckeled sandperch
speckeled sandperch
Parapercis cylindrica
Perche de sable cylindrique
Cylindrical sandperch
Cylindrical sandperch
Parupeneus barberinoides
Barbet moitié-moitié
Bicolor goatfish
Bicolor goatfish
Parupeneus crassilabris
Barbet à 2 bandes
Doublebar Goatfish
Doublebar Goatfish
Parupeneus cyclostomus
Rouget jaune
goldsaddle goatfish
goldsaddle goatfish
Pempheris adusta
P hachette balayeur sombre
dusky sweeper
dusky sweeper
Petroscirtes breviceps
blennie rayée mimique
Shorthead fangblenny
Shorthead fangblenny
Aspidontus taeniatus
Faux labre nettoyeur
False cleanerfish
False cleanerfish
Pholidichthys leucotaenia
Gobie bagnard ingénieur
Engineer Goby
Engineer Goby
Platax boersii
Platax de boers
Golden spadefish
Golden spadefish
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
Gaterin arlequin
Harlequin sweetlips
Harlequin sweetlips
Plectorhinchus lineatus
gaterin à bandes jaunes
Yellowbanded sweetlips
Yellowbanded sweetlips
Plectroglyphidodon dickii
Demoiselle à barre noire
Blackbar devil
Blackbar devil
Plectropomus laevis
Mérou à scelle noire
Blacksaddled coralgrouper
Blacksaddled coralgrouper
Pleurosicya mossambica
Gobie à dents
Toothy goby
Toothy goby
Plotosus lineatus
Poisson-chat de mer rayé
Striped eel catfish
Getreepte koraalmeerval
Pomacanthus imperator
P ange empereur
imperator angelfish
Pomacanthus sexstriatus
P ange a 6 bandes
six band angelfish
Pomacanthus xanthometopon
P ange a tete bleue
Blueface angelfish
Geelmasker keizersvis
Pomacentrus coelestis
Demoiselle Néon
Neon damselfish
Neon damselfish
Pomacentrus proteus
Demoiselle colombo
Colombo damsel
Colombo damsel
Pseudanthias huchtii
barbier a joue rouge
red cheek fairy basslet
red cheek fairy basslet
Pseudanthias tuka
barbier pourpre
Yellowstriped fairy basslet
Yellowstriped fairy basslet
Pseudanthias dispar
Barbier pêche
Peach fairy basslet
Peach fairy basslet
Pterocaesio tile
Fusilier tricolore
Dark-banded fusilier
Dark-banded fusilier
Pygoplites diacanthus
Poisson-ange duc
Royal angelfish
Rogadius welanderi
poisson crocodile de welander
Welander's flathead
Welander's flathead
Rhincodon typus
Requin baleine
whale shark
whale shark
Sargocentron caudimaculatum
poisson-écureuil silverspot
silverspot squirrelfish
silverspot squirrelfish
Scarus viridifucatus
Poisson-perroquet tête ronde
Roundhead Parrotfish
Roundhead Parrotfish
Scarus ghobban
Poisson-perroquet à bord bleu
Blue-barred parrotfish
Blue-barred parrotfish
Scolopsis bilineata
Scolopsis à deux lignes
Two-lined monocle bream
YTwo-lined monocle bream
Scorpaenopsis macrochir
Poisson-scorpion flamme
Flasher scorpionfish
Flasher scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis sp
Poisson-scorpion noir
black scorpionfish
black scorpionfish
Siganus vulpinus
P lapin sigan barré
scribbled rabbitfish
scribbled rabbitfish
Siganus doliatus
P lapin Tête de Renard
rabbitfish Foxface
rabbitfish Foxface
Solenostomus paradoxus
poisson-fantôme arlequin
Ornate ghostpipefish
Ornate ghostpipefish
Soleichthys heterorhinos
Sole d'Esope
Banded sole
Banded sole
Liachirus melanospilos
Sole carpette
Carpet Sole
Carpet Sole
Bothus pantherinus
Flet léopard
Leopard Flounder
Leopard Flounder
Brachirus aspilos
sole a bouche marginée
Frill mouth sole
Frill mouth sole
Sphyraena jello
barracuda Pickhandle jello
Pickhandle barracuda
Pickhandle barracuda
Sphyraena qenie
Barracuda queue noire
Blackfin barracuda
Blackfin barracuda
Sufflamen bursa
Baliste boomerang
Boomerang triggerfish
Boomerang triggerfish
Symphorichthys spilurus
Vivaneau voilier
Sailfin snapper
Sailfin snapper
Synchiropus splendidus
Taeniura meyeni
raie pastenague marbree
Blotched fantail ray
Blotched fantail ray
Thalassoma lunare
girelle paon
Moon Wrasse
Moon Wrasse
Triaenodon obesus
requin corail
Whitetip reef shark
Whitetip reef shark
Trichonotus elegans
le plongeur de sable à longues rayons
Long-rayed sand-diver
Long-rayed sand-diver
Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus
syngnathe à double extrémité
Short-tailed pipefish
Short-tailed pipefish
Uraspis secunda
carangue cotton
Cottonmouth jack
Cottonmouth jack
Variola louti
mérou croissant jaune
Yellow-edged lyretail
Yellow-edged lyretail
Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Baliste à liseré d'or
Gilded triggerfish
Gilded triggerfish
Zanclus cornutus
idole Maure
Moorish idole
Zebrasoma desjardinii
chirurgien voilier
Indian sail-fin surgeonfish
Indian sail-fin surgeonfish
Laticauda colubrina
tricot rayé commun
sea krait
sea snake
Chelonia mydas
Tortue verte
green turtle
Green sea turtle
Eretmochelys imbricata
Tortue imbriquée
Hawksbill sea turtle
Hawksbill sea turtle
crabe yeux rouges
crabe yeux rouges
crabe yeux rouges
crabe yeux rouges
dev: Alexis Koh    

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