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Liste des vidéos des Raies

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Aetobatus narinari bonaire
raie léopard
Spotted eagle ray
luipaard arend
Aetobatus narinari bresil
Raie aigle
Spotted eagle ray
Aetobatus narinari maldives
Raie aigle leopard
Spotted eagle ray,
Spotted eagle ray,
Aetobatus narinari mer rouge
raie aigle leopard
Spotted eagle ray
Spotted eagle ray
Aetobatus narinari cozumel
Raie aigle leopard
Spotted eagle ray
Spotted eagle ray
Aetobatus narinari Maldives
raie aigle leopard
Spotted eagle ray
Spotted eagle ray
Aetomylaeus vespertilio maldives
Raie aigle ornée
Ornate eagle ray
Ornate eagle ray
Dasyatis americana ,Hypanus americanus bonaire
Raie pastenague américaine
Southern stingray
Dasyatis americana caraibes
Raie pastenague américaine
Southern stingray
Dasyatis pastinaca med
raie pastenague commune
Common stingray
Dasyatis pastanica tenerife
Raie pastenague
Common stingray
Dasyatis thetidis australie
Thorntail stingray
Thorntail stingray
Thorntail stingray
Dasyatis longa socorro
longtail stingray
longtail stingray
longtail stingray
Dasyatis brevis mexique
diamond stingray
diamond stingray
diamond stingray
Diplobatis ommata socorro
Raie Èlectrique ocellée
ocellated electric ray
ocellated electric ray
Gymnura altavela bresil
Raie papillon
raia borboleta
Spiny butterfly ray
Gymnura altavela tenerife
Raie papillon
Spiny butterfly ray
Spiny butterfly ray
Himantura uarnak mer rouge
pastenague nid d’abeille
Honeycomb stingray
Indo-Australisher Tüpfelrochen
Mobula birostris maldives
Raie Manta
Manta ray
Manta ray
Mobula birostris philippines
raie manta
Giant manta
Giant manta
Mobula birostris raja
Giant manta
Manta, duivelsrog
Mobula birostris socorro
Giant manta
Manta, duivelsrog
Mobula Munkiana
Munk's Devil Rays
Munk's Devil Rays
Munk's Devil Rays
Mobula japonica maldives
Raie Mobula
Spinetail mobula
Spinetail mobula
Mobula mobular raja
Diable de mer
Devil fish
Devil fish
Mobula tarapacana atalantique
Diable de mer chilien
Chilean devil ray
Chilean devil ray
Mobula sp Maldives
Raie Mobula
Devil fish
Devil fish
Myliobatis aquila med
Raie aigle de Méditerranée
Common eagle ray
Myliobatis aquila tenerife
Aigle de mer
Eagle ray
Narcine entemedor socorro
Raie Èlectrique géante
giant electric ray
giant electric ray
Neotrygon kuhlii raja
pastenague masquee à points bleus
Blue-spotted masqued stingray
Blue-spotted stingray
Neotrygon kuhlii sipadan
pastenague masquee à points bleus
Blue-spotted masqued stingray
Blue-spotted masqued stingray
Pastinachus sephen sipadan
raie queue de vache
Cowtail stingray
Cowtail stingray
Pateobatis jenkinsii maldives
pastenague à nez pointu
Jenkins whipray
Jenkins whipray
Pteromylaeus bovines tenerife
Raie obispo, vachette
bull ray
bull ray
Raja clavata
Raie bouclée
Thornback ray
Raja undulata atlantique
raie brunette
Undulate ray, painted ray
Undulate ray, painted ray
Raja polystigma med
Raie tachetée
Speckled ray
Speckled ray
Rhinoptera bonasus mexique
Mourine américaine
golden cow nose ray
golden cow nose ray
Rhina ancylostoma maldives
Raie guitare a nez rond
Bowmouth guitarfish
Bowmouth guitarfish
Rhinobatos rhinobatos mer rouge
Raie guitare
Common guitarfish
Common guitarfish
Rhynchobatus djiddensis maldives
Grande raie-guitare
Giant guitarfish
Giant guitarfish
Taeniura grabata tenerife
Raie pastenague geante
Round stingray
Round stingray
Taeniura meyeni maldives
Raie pastenague marbrée
Blotched fantail ray
Blotched fantail ray
Taeniura meyeni philippines
raie pastenague marbree
Blotched fantail ray
Blotched fantail ray
Taeniura lymma mer rouge
Raie à taches bleues
Bluespotted stingray
Bluespotted stingray
Torpedo marmorata bret
Raie torpille
torpedo ray
Torpedo marmorata med
Raie torpille
Marbled electric ray
Gemarmerde sidderrog
Torpedo panthera mer rouge
raie torpille panthère
Panther electric ray
Panther electric ray
Trygonoptera personata australie
Masked stingaree
Masked stingaree
Masked stingaree
Urobatis jamaicensis caraibes
Raie pastenague jaune
Yellow stingray
Urobatis concentricus mexique
Bullseye stingray
Bullseye stingray
Bullseye stingray
Zapteryx exasperata mexique
raie guitare à rayures
banded guitarfish
banded guitarfish

Liste des vidéos des Requins

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Alopias sp philippines
Requin renard
Thresher shark
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos maldives
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reef haai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos maldives
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reef haai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos maldives
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reefhaai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos philippines
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reefhaai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos raja
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reefhaai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos sipadan
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reefhaai
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Maldives PJ
Requin gris de récif
Grey reef shark
Grey reefhaai
Carcharhinus melanopterus raja
Requin pointe noire
Blacktip reef shark
Carcharhinus brevipinna Maldives PJ
requin tisserand
Spinner shark
Carcharhinus melanopterus thailande
Requin pointe noire
Blacktip reef shark
Carcharhinus longimanus mer rouge
Requin océanique
Oceanic whitetip shark,
Oceanische witpunthaai
Carcharhinus limbatus polynesie marquise
Le requin bordé
blacktip shark
Carcharhinus perezii caraibes
requin gris des Caraïbes
Caribbean reef shark
Caribische rifhaai
Carcharhinus galapagensis socorro
Requin des Galápagos
Galápagos shark
Galápagos rifhaai
Carcharhinus albimarginatus Socorro
requin pointe blanche
silvertip shark
slvertip rifhaai
Carcharhinus falciformis Socorro
Requin soyeux
silky shark
silky rifhaai
Carcharhinus leucas Socorro
Requin boule-dogue
Bull shark
Bull fhaai
Isurus paucus atalantique
petit requin taupe
Longfin mako
Longfin mako
Galeocerdo cuvier Maldives
Tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvier Maldives
Tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvier Maldives PJ
Tiger shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum
Requin nourrice atlantique
nurse shar
Nebrius ferrugineus philippines
Requin nourrice fauve
Tawny nurse shar
Geelbruine verpleegsterhaai
Odontaspis ferox el hierro
requin feroce
Smalltooth sand tiger
Smalltooth sand tiger
Odontaspis ferox Malpelo ( Michel Coumont)
requin feroce
Smalltooth sand tiger
Smalltooth sand tiger
Eucrossorhinus dasypogon raja
requin tapis
Hemiscyllium ocellatum raja
requin chabot epaulette
Epaulette shark
Epaulette shark
Prionace glauca atalantique
requin peau bleue
Blue shark
Blue shark
Rhincodon typus maldives
Requin baleine
Whale shark
Whale shark
Rhincodon typus philippines
Requin baleine
whale shark
whale shark
Scyliorhinus canicula bret
petite roussette
Lesser spotted dogfish
Kleine hondshaai
Scyliorhinus stellaris med
Grande roussette
Sphyrna sp mer rouge
requin marteau
hammerhead shark
hammerhead shark
Sphyrna mokarran Maldives
Grand requin marteau
greathammerhead shark
greathammerhead shark
Sphyrna lewini socorro
requin marteau halicorne
scalopedhammerhead shark
scalopedhammerhead shark
Squatina squatina tenerife
Ange de mer tenerife
Squatina squatina tenerife
Ange de mer tenerife
Stegostoma fasciatum maldives
Requin-zèbre (leopard)
Zebra shark
Triaenodon obesus philippines
requin corail
Whitetip reef shark
Whitetip reef shark
Triaenodon obesus sipadan
requin corail
White tip reef shark
Witpunt rifhaai
Triaenodon obesus thailande
requin corail
Whitetip reef shark
Whitetip reef shark
Triaenodon obesus roca pertida
requin corail
White tip reef shark
Witpunt rifhaai

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