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Aeoliscus strigatuspoisson-rasoirrazorfishGestriefter schenpfenmesserfisch
Amphiprion clarckiiAmphiprion de ClarkYellowtail clownfishZwarte anemoonvis
Amphiprion ocellarisPoisson-clown à trois bandesClown anemonefishclown anemoonvis
Amphiprion perideraionAmphiprion à collierPink anemonefishHalsband anemoonvis
Antennarius spAntennairefrogfishanglerfish
Ariosoma scheeleicongre tropicalTropical congerTropical conger
Arothon mappaPoisson-ballon gribouilléMap pufferfishkogelvis
Balistoides conspicillumBaliste clownClown triggerfishLuipaard trekkervis
Balistoides viridescensBaliste titanTitan triggerfishBlauwfin trekkervis
Bolbometopon muricatumP Perroquet à bosseBumphead parrotfishBultkoppapegaaivis
Caesio xanthalytosGoldsash fusilierGoldsash fusilierGoldsash fusilier
Caesio cuningFusilier à ventre rougeRedbelly yellowtail fusilierRedbelly yellowtail fusilier
Callechelys marmorata Anguille-serpent marbréMarbled snake eelMarbled snake eel
Canthigaster valentiniCanthigaster à selle noireValentinni's sharpnose pufferSattel-Krugfisch
Caranx ignobilisCarangue geanteGiant trevally Giant trevally
Caranx sexfasciatusCarangue voraceBigeye trevallyBigeye trevally
Carcharhinus albimarginatusRequin pointe blancheSilvertip sharkZilverpunthaai
Carcharhinus melanopterusRequin pointe noireBlacktip reef sharkZwartpuntrifhaai
Cheilinus undulatusNapoleonHumphead wrasseRiesenlippfisch/a>
Cromileptes altivelisMerou de grace kellyHumpback grouperPantherfisch
Gnathanodon speciosusCarangue royaleGolden trevallyGolden trevally
Gymnosarda unicolorthon dent de chienDogtooth tunaDogtooth tuna
Gymnothorax javanicusMurene de javaGiant morayReuzen murene
Hemiscyllium ocellatumrequin chabot epauletteEpaulette sharkEpaulette shark
Heniochus diphreutespoisson cocher gregaireFalse moorish idolFalse moorish idol
Hippocampus bargibantiHippocampe bargibantipygmy seahorsepygmee zeepardje
Hippocampus deniseHippocampe denisepygmy denise seahorsedenise pygmee zeepardje
Hippocampus rajaHippocampe rajapygmy raja seahorseraja pygmee zeepardje
Lethrinus microdon bec de cane Smalltooth emperorSmalltooth emperor
Lutjanus biguttatusvivanneau à bande blancheTwo-spot banded snapperTwo-spot banded snapper
Mobula birostrisMantaGiant mantaManta, duivelsrog
Mobula mobularDiable de merDevil fishDevil fish
Micrognathus micronopterusSyngnathe a museau courtThorn-taioled pipefishThorn-taioled pipefish
Neotrygon kuhliipastenague masquee à points bleusBlue-spotted masqued stingrayBlue-spotted stingray
Ophichthus altipennisAnguille-serpent à Haute Dorsale Highfin snake eel Highfin snake eel
Orectolobus maculatusrequin tapisSpotted wobbegongSpotted wobbegong
Parapriacanthus ransonnetiP hachette nain, P de verrePigmy sweeperPigmy sweeper
Pempheris affinisP hachette BlacktipBlacktip bullseyeBlacktip bullseye
Platax orbicularisPlatax orbiculaireorbicular batfishronde vleermuisvis
Platax pinnatusPlatax à nageoire jaune long-finned batfish long-finned vleermuisvis
Platax teiraPlatax à grandes ailesTall fin batfishLangvin vleermuisvis
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoidesdiagramme arlequinHarlequin sweetlipsHarlequin sweetlips
Plectorhinchus polytaeniaGaterin a rubanRibboned sweetlipsRibboned sweetlips
Plectropomus laevismerou a selleBlacksaddled coralgrouperBlacksaddled coralgrouper
Pomacanthus sexstriatusP ange a six bandesSixbar angelfishSixbar angelfish
Pomacanthus xanthometoponP ange à tete bleueBlueface angelfishGeelmasker keizersvis
Pomacanthus semicirculatus p ange à demi cercleblue anglefishblue anglefish
Rhinomuraena quaesitaMurène ruban bleueRibbon eelRibbon aal
Scomberomorus commersonThazard rayeNarrow-barred Spanish mackerel Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel
Selar crumenophthalmuscoulirou selar gros yeuxBigeye scad Bigeye scad
Soleichthys heterorhinossole rayeeBlack-tip soleBlack-tip tong
Solenostomus cyanopterusPoisson-fantôme robusterobust ghost pipefishZeegras spookfluitvis
Sphaeramia orbicularisApogon orbiculaireOrbicular cardinalfishOrbicular cardinalfish
Sphyraena genieBarracuda à nageoires noiresBlackfin barracudaBlackfin barracuda
Sphyraena jelloBarracuda jellojello barracudajello barracuda