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Liste des vidéos de poissons de Sipadan
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Acanthurus dussumieriChirurgien couronnéornate surgeonfishPotlood-doktervis
Acanthurus thompsoniChirurgien de thompsonThompson's surgeonfishThompson's surgeonfish
Aeoliscus strigatuspoisson-rasoirrazorfishGestriefter schenpfenmesserfisch
Antennarius commersonAntennaire de Commersongiant frogfishgiant frogfish
Antennarius maculatusAntennaire verruqueuxclown frogfishclown frogfish
Antennarius pictusAntennaire peintPainted frogfishPainted frogfish
Aulostomus chinensisP trompette chinoisChinese trumpetfishChinese trumpetfish
Balistoides conspicillumBaliste clownClown triggerfishLuipaard trekkervis
Bolbometopon muricatumP Perroquet à bosseBumphead parrotfishBultkoppapegaaivis
Caranx ignobilisCarangue geanteGiant trevallyGiant trevally
Caranx sexfasciatusCarangue gros yeuxBigeye trevallyBigeye trevally
Carcharhinus limbatusrequin bordeblacktip sharkblacktip shark
Chromis analisDemoiselle jauneYellow chromisYellow chromis
Chromis ternatensisDemoiselle ternateTernate chromisTernate chromis
Chromis viridisDemoiselle bleu vertBlue green damselfishBlue green damselfish
Cymbacephalus beaufortiPoisson crocodileCrocodile fishCrocodile fish
Epinephelus lanceolatusLoche geanteGiant grouper Giant grouper
Fistularia commersoniiPoisson flûteBluespotted cornetfishGladde fluitbek
Gymnosarda unicolorthon dent de chienDogtooth tunaDogtooth tuna
Gymnothorax flavimarginatusMurène à liseré jauneYellow-edged morayRoodkop murene
Gymnothorax thyrsoideusMurène à tête griseGreyface moray, white-eyed morayWitoog murene
Halicampus macrorhynchusSyngnathe orneOrnate pipefishOrnate pipefish
Hemitaurichthys polylepisP Papillon pyramide jaunePyramid butterflyGelbe Pyramidenfalterfisch
Lactoria cornutaPoisson-vache cornuLonghorn cowfish Gehörnter Kuhkofferfisch
Liachirus melanospilossole carpetteCarpet soleCarpet sole
Lutjanus bengalensisvivaneau bengaleBengal snapperBengal snapper
Lutjanus biguttatusvivaneau bande blancheTwo-spot banded snapperTwo-spot banded snapper
Lutjanus boharvivaneau chien rougeTwo-spot red snapperTwo-spot red snapper
Lutjanus gibbusvivaneau bossuHumpback red snapperHumpback red snapper
Lutjanus lutjanusvivaneau gros yeuxBigeye snapperBigeye snapper
Lutjanus vittavivaneau a bande bruneBrownstripe red snapperBrownstripe red snapper
Macolor macularisvivaneau minuitMidnight snapperMidnight snapper
Macolor nigervivaneau noir et blancBlack and white snapperBlack and white snapper
Nemateleotris magnificaGobie de feuFire gobyVuurpijlvis
Neotrygon kuhliipastenague masquee à points bleusBlue-spotted masqued stingrayBlue-spotted masqued stingray
Odonus nigerbaliste bleublue triggerfishRoodtand trekkervis
Parupeneus chrysopleuronmullet ligne jauneYellow striped goatfishYellow striped goatfish
Platax boersiiPlatax de boersGolden spadefishGolden spadefish
Platax pinnatusPlatax nageoire jauneDusky batfishSpitzmaul-Fledermausfisch
Plotosus lineatusPoisson-chat de mer rayéStriped eel catfishGetreepte koraalmeerval
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatusBaliste a marge jauneYellowmargin triggerfishGeelrand trekkervis
Pterois volitansPtérois volantCommon lionfishKoraalduivel
Rastrelliger kanagurtamaquereau indienIndian mackerel Indian mackerel
Rhinopias frondosaP scorpion feuilluWeedy scorpionfishWeedy scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis macrochirP scorpion marcheurFlasher scorpionfishFlasher scorpionfish
Sphyraena flavicaudabecune a queue jauneYellowtail barracudaYellowtail barracuda
Sphyraena genieBarracuda à nageoires noiresBlackfin barracudaBlackfin barracuda
Taenianotus triacanthusPoisson feuilleLeaf fishBladvis
Trachyrhamphus longirostrisSyngnathe long rostreStraightstick pipefishStraightstick pipefish
Triaenodon obesusrequin corailWhite tip reef sharkWitpunt rifhaai
Uraspis secundacarangue cottonCottonmouth jackCottonmouth jack
crustace CirripèdesbalaneCirripèdesCirripèdes
Chelonia mydastortue vertegreen sea turtlegreen sea turtle
Laticauda colubrinatricot rayesea snakesea snake
Palinusrus versicolorLangouste peintePainted spiny lobsterGevlekte langoest
Sepia latimanusseiche a larges mainsBroadclub cuttlefish Broadclub cuttlefish
Sepioteuthis lessonianacalmar de recifReef squid Reef squid
Xestospongia testudinariaEponge barrique pontebarrel spongebarrel sponge
Varanus salvatorvaran malaisAsian water monitorAsian water monitor