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Liste des vidéos de poissons de Thailande
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Aeoliscus strigatuspoisson-rasoirrazorfishGestriefter schenpfenmesserfisch
Arothron mappaPoisson-ballon gribouilléMap pufferfishkogelvis
Arothron nigropunctatusPoisson-ballon à taches noiresBlackspotted pufferfishZwartgevlekte kogelvis
Arothron stellatusPoisson-ballon étoiléStarry pufferfishReuzen kogelvis
Atule matecarangue queue jauneYellowtail scadYellowtail scad
Caesio xanthonota et caerulaureafusilier dos jaune et bleu et orYellowback and Blue and gold fusilierYellowback fusilier
Carangoides coeruleopinnatuscarangue cotièreCoastal trevallyCoastal trevally
Caranx ignobilisCarangue geanteGiant trevallyGiant trevally
Caranx sexfasciatusCarangue gros yeuxBigeye trevallyBigeye trevally
Carcharhinus melanopterusRequin pointe noireBlacktip reef sharkZwartpuntrifhaai
Chanos chanospoisson laitMilkfishMilkfish
Diodon hystrixGrand porc epicSpot-fin porcupinefishSpot-fin porcupinefish
Corythoichthys intestinalissyngnathe flûteScribbled pipefishScribbled pipefish
Diagramma pictumDiagramme peintPainted sweetlipsPainted sweetlips
Elagatis bipinnulatacarangue ard en cielRainbow runnerRainbow runner
Eurypegasus draconispoisson pegaseShort seamoth Short seamoth
Fistularia commersoniiPoisson flûteBluespotted cornetfishGladde fluitbek
Gnathodentex aureolineatusempereur striéStriped large-eye breamStriped large-eye bream
Gymnosarda unicolorThon dent de chienDogtooth tunaDogtooth tuna
Gymnothorax favagineusMurène réticuléehoneycomb morayGrote netmurene
Gymnothorax thyrsoideusMurène à tête griseGreyface moray, white-eyed morayWitoog murene
Gymnothorax javanicusMurène de javaGiant morayReuzen murene
Hippocampus comeshippocampe queue tigreeTiger tail seahorseTiger tail seahorse
Hyporhamphus affinisdemibec tropicalTropical halfbeakTropical halfbeak
Lutjanus biguttatusvivaneau bande blancheTwo-spot banded snapperTwo-spot banded snapper
Lutjanus boharvivaneau chien rougeTwo-spot red snapperTwo-spot red snapper
Lutjanus quinquelineatusvivaneau 5 lignesFive-lined snapperFive-lined snapper
Lutjanus vittavivaneau a bande bruneBrownstripe red snapperBrownstripe red snapper
Megalaspis cordylaCarangue à bouclierTorpedo scadTorpedo scad
Ostorhinchus aureusPoisson-cardinal dorégolden cardinalfishGouden kardinaalbaars
Parapriacanthus ransonnetiPoisson-hachette nainPigmy sweeperPigmy sweeper
Parupeneus chrysopleuronmullet ligne jauneYellow striped goatfishYellow striped goatfish
Pempheris affinisPoisson-hachetteBlack-tipped bullseyeBlack-tipped bullseye
Platax pinnatusPlatax nageoire jauneDusky batfishSpitzmaul-Fledermausfisch
Platax teiraPlatax à grandes ailesTall fin batfishLangvin vleermuisvis
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoidesdiagramme arlequinHarlequin sweetlipsHarlequin sweetlips
Plectorhinchus gibbosusgaterin noirHarry hotlipsHarry hotlips
Plectropomus leopardusMerou corail leopardLeopard coralgrouperLeopard coralgrouper
Pterois russeliiRascasse de russelPlaintail turkeyfishPlaintail turkeyfish
Sargocentron cornutumP ecureuil a 3 ptsThreespot squirrelfishThreespot squirrelfish
Scorpaenopsis oxycephalaP scorpion a houppesTassled scorpionfishTassled scorpionfish
Siganus fuscescensP lapin tachetéMottled spinefootMottled spinefoot
Solenostomus cyanopterusPoisson-fantôme robusteGhost pipefishZeegras spookfluitvis
Solenostomus paradoxusPoisson-fantôme arlequinHarlequin ghost pipefishHarlekijn spookfluitvis
Sphyraena barracudagrand barracudaGreat barracudagrote barracuda
Sphyraena flavicaudabarracuda queue jauneYellowtail barracudaYellowtail barracuda
Sphyraena jellobarracuda jelloPickhandle barracudaPickhandle barracuda
Triaenodon obesusrequin corailWhitetip reef sharkWhitetip reef shark
Tylosurus crocodilusorphie crocodileHound needlefishHound needlefish
Upeneus tragulacapucin d'herbierFreckled goatfishFreckled goatfish