murene des iles (Enchylore anatina) canaries  |
murene des iles (Enchylore anatina) canaries  |
murene pointillee (Muraena augusti)canaries  |
murene pointillee (Muraena augusti) canaries |
sharptail eel (Myrichthys breviceps)bonaire  |
sharptail eel (Myrichthys breviceps)bonaire  |
green moray (Gymnothorax funebris)bonaire  |
green moray (Gymnothorax funebris)bonaire  |
murene panamic verte(Gymnothorax castaneus) Basse-Californie  |
murene panamic verte (Gymnothorax castaneus) Basse-Californie  |
Murène étoilée(Echidna nebulosa) Basse-Californie  |
Murène étoilée(Echidna nebulosa) Basse-Californie  |
goldentail moray (Gymnothorax miliaris)bonaire  |
goldentail moray (Gymnothorax miliaris)bonaire  |
spotted moray (Gymnothorax moringa)bonaire  |
spotted moray (Gymnothorax moringa)bonaire  |
snapper eel (Echiophis punctifer)bonaire  |
snapper eel (Echiophis punctifer)bonaire  |
spotted snake eel (Ophichthus ophis)Rep dom  |
spotted snake eel (Ophichthus ophis)Rep dom  |
Anguille-serpent à Haute Dorsale Ophichthus altipennis komodo |
Anguille-serpent à Haute Dorsale Ophichthus altipennis komodo |
Anguille-serpent marbré Callechelys marmorata komodo |
Anguille-serpent marbré Callechelys marmorata komodo |
Ophichthus altipennis Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel Phil |
Ophichthus altipennis Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel Phil |
Ophichthus bonaparti Napoleon snake eel Phil |
Ophichthus bonaparti Napoleon snake eel Phil |
Brachysomophis cirrocheilos Stargazer snake eel Indo-Pacific |
Brachysomophis cirrocheilos Stargazer snake eel Indo-Pacific |
Brachysomophis crocodilinus, Crocodile snake eel Indo-Pacific |
Brachysomophis crocodilinus, Crocodile snake eel Indo-Pacific |
Myrichthys pardalis Golden Spotted Snake Eel Indo-Pacific |
Myrichthys pardalis Golden Spotted Snake Eel Indo-Pacific |
Myrichthys colubrinus serpentine à bandes Indo-Pacific |
Myrichthys colubrinus serpentine à bandes Indo-Pacific |
Serpenton (Ophisurus serpens )Med  |
Serpenton (Ophisurus serpens )Med  |
murene Med (Murena hellena) Med |
murene Med (Murena hellena) Med |
Rhinomuraena quaesita - Murène ruban Indo-Pacific |
Rhinomuraena quaesita - Murène ruban Indo-Pacific |
Rhinomuraena quaesita - Murène ruban Indo-Pacific |
Rhinomuraena quaesita - Murène ruban Indo-Pacific |
Tropical conger, Ariosoma scheelei Komodo |
Ariosoma scheelei tropical conger Phil |
Congre des baleares Ariosoma balearicum canaries |
Congre des baleares Ariosoma balearicum canaries |
(Gymnothorax sp)  |
(Gymnothorax sp)  |
purplemouth moray(Gymnothorax vicinus)bresil  |
purplemouth moray(Gymnothorax vicinus)bresil  |
murene geante (Gymnothorax javanicus)MR  |
murene geante (Gymnothorax javanicus)MR  |
murene ondulante(Gymnothorax undulatus)Raja  |
murene ondulante(Gymnothorax undulatus)Raja  |
murene ruban (Rhinomuraena quaesita)Raja  |
murene ruban (Rhinomuraena quaesita)Raja  |
Yellow-edged(Gymnothorax flavimarginatus)Siapadan  |
Yellow-edged(Gymnothorax flavimarginatus) Raja  |
murène frangée(Gymnothorax fimbriatus)Raja  |
murène frangée(Gymnothorax fimbriatus)Raja  |
murene a oeil blanc(Gymnothorax thyrsoideus)Thai  |
murene a oeil blanc(Gymnothorax thyrsoideus)Thai  |
White-eyed Moray Eel (Siderea thyrsoidea)Thai |
White-eyed Moray Eel (Siderea thyrsoidea)Thai  |
murene leopard(Gymnothorax favagineus)Thai  |
murene leopard(Gymnothorax favagineus)Maldives  |
murene kidako (Gymnothorax kidako)Maldives  |
murene leopard(Gymnothorax favagineus)Maldives  |
murene paintspotted(Gymnothorax pictus)Maldives  |
murene stout (Muraena robusta)Maldives  |
murene turkey (Gymnothorax meleagris)Maldives  |
murène poivrée (siderea grisea)Maldives  |
Chain moray (Echidna catenata)bonaire  |
Honeycomb moray (Gymnothorax saxicola)bonaire  |
murene a bouche jaune (Gymnothorax nudivomer) MR |
murene a bouche jaune (Gymnothorax nudivomer)MR  |
murene tatouée (siderea grisea) MR |
murene tatouée (siderea grisea) MR |
Murene masquee Gymnothorax breedeni Maldives |
Murene masquee Gymnothorax breedeni Maldives  |
Murène etoilee(Echidna nebulosa)Maldives  |
Murène etoilee(Echidna nebulosa)Maldives  |
Murène Dragon (Enchelycore pardalis)oman |
Murène Dragon (Enchelycore pardalis)oman  |
Gymnothorax chlamydatus Banded mud moray western Pacific Ocean  |
Gymnothorax chlamydatus Banded mud moray western Pacific Ocean  |
Murene à bandes Gymnothorax reticularis Anilao  |
Murene à bandes Gymnothorax reticularis Anilao  |
murene Gymnothorax richardsoni nosy be |
murene Gymnothorax richardsoni nosy be |